Your nighttime routine

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As you may have heard before, the blue light emitted by electronic devices tricks your brain into thinking its daytime. This, in turn, results in your brain halting melatonin production and keeping you awake. 

Leave Your Gadgets 


Too much caffeine during the day or too close to bedtime can lead to frequent awakenings, inability to fall asleep, and nighttime anxiety. It is recommended to cut your caffeine intake 6 hours prior to going to bed. 

Cut the caffeine


Taking time to wind down, deep breathing and partaking in meditation or prayer are great ways to mentally decompress before bed. Likewise, you can decompress your spine by adding a pillow under your knees & lying on your back.



Listening to white or pink noise can help you fall asleep quicker and have a better quality of sleep. Many people also use calming music to drift off into slumber. 

relax  with sounds


Having a light snack can eliminate late night hunger pangs, but don't over do it. Eating too much before bed can lead to acid reflux or indigestion. Eating a piece of fruit or having a yogurt are a nice options. 

have a snack


Taking a bath an hour or two before bed not only relaxes you, it can trigger a similar reaction to your body's natural nighttime drop in temp. Adding therapeutic essential oils to the water can aid in soothing sore muscles and increasing sleepiness.

take a bath


Consistency is key when it comes to forming a bedtime routine,. Establishing a certain time to go to bed and not getting in bed until that time will also help to form healthy patterns. 

be  consistent