Buckle Up Buttercup

A Brand To Indulge With | Ethical Apothecary

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About a month ago, I linked up with a brand called Ethical Apothecary. They are based out of the United Kingdom and work with products that are natural, organic, vegan and cruelty free. Combining these things with a spa like quality, their items are on trend and top notch. Ethical Apothecary was born out of a frustration that the founders, Mel and Sam, had trying to represent ethical beauty at its core. Both having over 40 years of experience in beauty/spa and retail fields, that’s exactly what they’ve done.

They offer everything from Skin-care for Mom and Baby, Hair-care, Interior goods, some Food items and products geared for Beauty Beyond Cancer. ❤

Of course, when they offered to send me a couple of their products to test out, I was thrilled!

For starters, their packaging is just beautiful. It has an earthy yet expensive feel to it. They sent me two items, one to use myself and one for the baby and I to both use.

I was gifted Pink O’Clock Prismologie Body Balm with Rose and Rose Quartz. Let me start by reiterating how gorgeous the packaging is for this product. The box looks like a mix between pink watercolors and a red smoke bomb (the kind you see used in artsy photography). I’ll be honest, I’ve never had a high end body balm product like this before. It comes pressed in a container. At first glance, I thought it was a powder because it comes with a puff applicator. On first try, I was extremely please to find a lovely creamy, velvety feel. The balm has the most beautiful rose smell. It’s very feminine and light, not fake or overpowering. Pink O’Clock is enriched with rose quartz for it’s comforting qualities. Passion Flower Seed Oil and Rosehip Seed Oil are filled with vitamins to soften and moisturize the skin. When you slide the puff across the balm you notice a gorgeous shimmer that translates over to your skin. This balm made me feel like I was pampering my skin. Which, in my case, is long over due. As you Momma’s know, we don’t get much time for indulgences.

The product that was sent over for the baby is called Little Butterfly London Dewdrops At Dawn Body Lotion. It comes in a tall smooth bottle with tiny butterflies all over. It is an organic body lotion with a pump dispenser and is made to be gentle for baby’s delicate skin. A first try, I thought the lotion was odorless. But, once I was massaging it into Baby Z’s skin, I could smell tiny hints of citrus. This prompted me to check the ingredients. I found that it’s infused with mandarin and orange pure essential oils. It also includes cucumber seed oil, cocoa butter and oat kernel extract. I expected this lotion to be very thin because of the delicate look of the bottle. It was just the opposite! I’m guessing it’s the cocoa butter that gives it a thicker feeling. The first time I used it, I could’ve used WAY less! Zachary giggled as I rubbed and rubbed the lotion onto both of our skin trying to use it all up. It’s definitely “a little goes a long way” kind of product!

With both the balm and the lotion, they dry on our skin very nicely without leaving an oily feeling. They also leave behind lovely scents.

Getting just a taste of Ethical Apothecary’s luxuries left me curious and craving more. These items and this company are high quality and top notch. Get over to their website ASAP to check everything out! I know you will find many things you would like to try. This is a brand you can indulge with and have peace of mind while doing so.

Ethical Apothecary has been kind enough to provide a discount code, “BIANCA10”, for my followers to receive 10% off any of their brands. In addition, and not advertised on the website, they are offering a FREE full size boep nappy cream worth £10.25 when you purchase a boep product. Or, recieve a luxe travel size Elemental Herbology Vital Cleanse worth £12 when you purchase any Elemental Herbology product.

Have you heard of Ethical Apothecary yet? Have you tried their products? Leave me a comment! I’d love to hear about it!


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